NJ Is Releasing Prisoners Early Due To COVID But They Need Help

Maria Eva Dorigo
Published: 11/16/2020

NJ Department of Correction is releasing early 2,200 people from its prisons to reduce the overcrowding and minimize the risk of contracting COVID. This is excellent news since NJ has the nation’s worst prison death rate from COVID.

Released people have a lot of needs including housing, phones, employment, among other things. But what the government does to help those who were incarcerated to guarantee a successful reentry to society? They only thing they gave them: train tickets and face masks. Not enough.

NJ Reentry Corporation, a local non-profit organization, is asking for donation of Pandemic Emergency Survival Kits. They need undergarments and toiletries for men and women. There are several drop off locations. One of the locations is 936-938 Bergen Street, Newark, New Jersey 07112, Phone: 973.982.6896. For more info please call or go to their website: https://www.njreentry.org/. Please collaborate. They need our help.

Topics: COVID-19Jail Reform